Here is the link for the google form to order lunch for next week.

Lunch and Breakfast Next Week
Breakfast and Lunch will not be grab and go this year.
Please Fill out our Form so we can get a lunch count.

Here is the CJI Hawk Happenings for the week of May 9th.

Unofficial Results of Bond Election
Elementary Bond:
Yes- 184
Highschool Bond:
No- 644

CJI Hawk Happenings

If you missed the Internet Safety Presentation last week,
Here is a link to watch it!
Username: CJIParents
Password: ParentsOnly

Follow this link for Voting Notice of Location and Voting Systems:

It is that time a year!
We are looking for a Summer Maintenance Crew wage is $12.50/hr.
Here is the link for all positions:

Track Update:
Cal Wearly Event on 4/6/22- Cancelled
Havre Lions event- rescheduled for Friday 4/8/2022

Bond Community Information Session
April 5th @ 6:30 pm

CANCELLED! Tennis @ Harlem

Boys/Girls Basketball games @ Box Elder Friday!

No Girls Basketball game this week!
Boys 1/2 JV Games at 5:00 pm Varsity at 6:00 pm. Games are Thursday home vs Fort Benton Saturday @ Big Sandy.

Christmas Activities Week is this week, Call Marley @ 759-5477 to sign your kids up. Tuesday is Paper plate xmas trees!

Since picture retakes didn't happen today, they have rescheduled with us for 1pm this Thursday, 11/11! Sorry for the inconvenience.

Don't forget! Tomorrow is picture retake day!

Tonight's volleyball games in Chinook have been canceled and rescheduled for 10/21 @ 5:00

Saturday, October 16th is PINK OUT!

Picture Day is next Monday, October 4th! 📸
Visit https://helmbrecht.hhimagehost.com/V2/Home/EventList... to order your photos online!

Our JH Football team picked up a HOME game vs Simms this Thursday 9/30 @ 6:00! Go get 'em, HAWKS! 🏈