over 2 years ago, CJI School
Lunch and Breakfast Next Week Breakfast and Lunch will not be grab and go this year. Please Fill out our Form so we can get a lunch count. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDfofy-4PPyeV9N--DyVsQ_h2csqf2m32XwHXqF8KPf-vF2Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 2 years ago, CJI School
Food Program
Here is the CJI Hawk Happenings for the week of May 9th.
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
CJI Hawk Happening
Unofficial Results of Bond Election Elementary Bond: No-617 Yes- 184 Highschool Bond: No- 644 Yes-192
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
CJI Hawk Happenings
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
CJI Hawk Happening
If you missed the Internet Safety Presentation last week, Here is a link to watch it! https://www.iroc2.org/405.html Username: CJIParents Password: ParentsOnly
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
Follow this link for Voting Notice of Location and Voting Systems: https://www.cji.k12.mt.us/browse/316759
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
It is that time a year! We are looking for a Summer Maintenance Crew wage is $12.50/hr. Here is the link for all positions: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1136411/CJI_Current_Open_Positions_1_21_22__5_.pdf
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
Track Update: Cal Wearly Event on 4/6/22- Cancelled Havre Lions event- rescheduled for Friday 4/8/2022
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
Bond Community Information Session April 5th @ 6:30 pm
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
Bond Information Session
CANCELLED! Tennis @ Harlem
almost 3 years ago, CJI School
CANCELLED! Boys/Girls Basketball games @ Box Elder Friday!
about 3 years ago, Marley Ohlson
No Girls Basketball game this week! Boys 1/2 JV Games at 5:00 pm Varsity at 6:00 pm. Games are Thursday home vs Fort Benton Saturday @ Big Sandy.
about 3 years ago, Marley Ohlson
Christmas Activities Week is this week, Call Marley @ 759-5477 to sign your kids up. Tuesday is Paper plate xmas trees!
about 3 years ago, Marley Ohlson
Since picture retakes didn't happen today, they have rescheduled with us for 1pm this Thursday, 11/11! Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, CJI School
Don't forget! Tomorrow is picture retake day!
over 3 years ago, CJI School
Tonight's volleyball games in Chinook have been canceled and rescheduled for 10/21 @ 5:00
over 3 years ago, CJI School
Saturday, October 16th is PINK OUT!
over 3 years ago, CJI School
pink out
Pink Out
Picture Day is next Monday, October 4th! 📸 Visit https://helmbrecht.hhimagehost.com/V2/Home/EventList... to order your photos online!
over 3 years ago, CJI School
picture day
Our JH Football team picked up a HOME game vs Simms this Thursday 9/30 @ 6:00! Go get 'em, HAWKS! 🏈
over 3 years ago, CJI School